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cc list tubbo, ted nivison,
schlatt, connoreatspants, cscoop, velvetiscake, foolish, ponk,
awesamedude, sapnap, ludwig, hasanabi, wilbur soot, eret, traves, quackity, swaggersouls, charlie slimsicle, and bo burnham


ram/døll ! he/they/it/ender/pup
16 queer 0824 virgo
black & mexican & autistic

byf i have a schlatt, eret, and swagger hyper fixation, i repost a lot of schlatt art, if anything i say or post makes you uneasy please dm me!dni if you support/follow a6d, cmc, and/or twomad (they're trigger for me), racist, homphobic, transphobia, abliest, islamaphobia, antisemitism, sexist, misogynistic, republican, the age of under 14, nsfwmcyttwt, poppytwt, or a dnf shipper

HI! i'm ram/døll. i'm autistic, black, and mexican. my comfort (platonic) ship is dreamnap and skephalo, my comfort streamer is connereatspants. my pronouns are he/they/it/ender/pup!

( Made with Carrd )